Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

 Okay,so, I'm starting not to like Romeo so much because he was so lovesick over Rosaline, and then BAM he's head over heels for Juliet.  I mean, how could you feel that sort of anger and sadness from the heart break, and then the same day, you're in love? It just doesn't seem logical to me. I personally think that he just thinks she's pretty, and that's why he likes her, because he didn't even know what her personality was like before he made out with her. He just rushed to kiss her. It doesn't seem legit to me.

 I feel somewhat the same about Juliet. I think that she just liked Romeo for his looks,and not his personality. I think when they were talking between kisses they got a small glimpse of each others personality's, but I don't think that's enough to to say that they're in love.

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