Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fallout by Ellen Hopkins (Reading Response)

 This book is the last book in the Crank trilogy.  Though, it's not about Kristina this time...it's about her children. I was surprised when I read the blurb, because I didn't know that she had more than one child. Apparently, she has three. Hunter, Autumn, and Summer. None of which are raised by her. Hunter was raised by Kristina's parents. Autumn was raised by Trey [her father] 's parents. Summer was raised in foster care most of her life.

 The other two are kind of more outgoing, and Autumn is just a shy, kind girl (well, so far in the book). That's why she's my favorite character. One of my favorite things about her is that she has OCD. I know that sounds weird now, but let me explain. Having that disorder just adds on another characteristic to her personality. It shows how many different issues she's balancing at one time, and it's fun to read.

Hunter is my least favorite because his life is average. He doesn't do anything fun or exciting or reckless. All he does is fight with his girlfriend (a lot) and complain all day about how his mother wasn't a real mother to him. It gets really annoying.

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