Thursday, October 27, 2011

Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr (Reading Response)

    Okay, so, I finished the book for the millionth time today, and every time I read it, I get a different idea about what the moral of the book is. The first couple of times, I thought the moral was to be loyal to your friends. I first read this in 4th grade, so I didn't understand text as much as I do now. Now that I look back at it, I'm pretty sure the moral was to make as many mistakes as you can, so that you'll learn from them. I thought that was the moral because throughout the whole book, Deanna is constantly making stupid mistakes that she later learns from.
   For example, in chapter, Deanna gets a job at pizza shop in a mall. She finds out later that her arch-nemesis who ruined her life(Tommy)works there. Instead of saying "Oh, I don't feel comfortable working the same shifts as Tommy.", she rolls with the punches (which is never a good thing to do.) That's like being a vegan, and telling someone to feed you steak, but she realizes that she should've told her she wasn't comfortable.
 Another example is, in chapter, Deanna kisses her friend Lee's boyfriend, who is Deanna's best friend. She later realizes that she could've just jeopardized both of her only friendships. Luckily, they forgave her(after she apologized a gazillion times).


  1. I can connect to you when you say that you have a different feeling every time you read the book. I like your new elaboration and comparison to what the book means.

  2. good job with your blog your post was great you really made a really good connection

  3. I can totally relate to this-like reading a book again and again and not understanding it or realizing the moral. This was really good, but maybe you should have written a little more because I want to know more about what you were saying about your book. Elaborate! Great job.

  4. I think that you elaborated and connected well to the book, good blog post.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Good Blog post....just elaborate and expand your thoughts a little bit more.
